Kfed and Spears no more…muahaha…

November 8, 2006 at 2:03 am (Totally Dave)

In a surprising move Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are NO MORE!!  Yes that is right my friends Britney Spears has filed for divorce from Kevin “I made my name off of you” Federline.  It’s rather hilarious that this didn’t work.  K-Fed now has a lot more free time to party at the WWE television events.

Also for all of us here in the United States are currently engrossed or maybe not in election coverage.  Of course I am so sick of seeing the damn negative campaign ads that I can’t wait for this to end.  No one seems to want to tell us what they stand for.

I’m rather tired right now so I don’t have much to give you …sorry!

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